Thursday, 27 February 2025

Topic: IDENTITY – I am a Son and an Heir.

Scriptures: John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Galatians 4:7 Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son; if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Discussion: Almost 25 years ago, I experienced a significant transition in my life. I was moving from a life of security into the unknown, leaving the security of a job I had for almost 23 years. At the time, I had been saved for 7 years, and although I studied the Word constantly, I began to fall into a pit of fear that brought what I could only describe as torment into my life. I couldn’t see what was waiting for me on the other side, and I began to experience severe anxiety that was almost debilitating. I battled for months with the thoughts of how I was going to provide for my family, pay my bills, and be the husband and father I knew I needed to be—I was in a pit.

In August of 2000, Harvest had a Men’s Encounter. I had heard of the powerful things some of my friends experienced in their encounters, so I signed up. When we left for Surry on Friday night, I knew I was entering a battlefield and needed help. In my journal that evening, I wrote, “God, I’m going to be like Jacob this weekend, and I’m not going to let you go until you bless me.”-I was not going to come home on Sunday the same way I came in on Friday. The victory came powerfully on Sunday morning.  During a time when the whole room was deep in worship, an older Christian man standing very close to me began singing into my ear. He said, “You are My child, and I have great things in store for you.” He sang those words repeatedly, and as they began to penetrate my spirit, I began to break emotionally. I went to the floor experiencing the love of the Father in a way I could never have imagined-weeping uncontrollably until a calming peace entered my heart. When I finally opened my eyes, my life changed. I had experienced the love of a Father, and I now KNEW who had my future in my hands. Since then, I have never experienced fear because I know and trust Him as the Father He is.

As we open with the topic of “Identity” this week, we must know that He is our Father and that we walk in a manner that identifies us as His sons. Let Galatians 4:7 get in your heart today: “… you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” Did you get that? A son AND an heir!

Prayer: Father, as I come to you today, I thank you that through my salvation purchased by Jesus, I am a son and an heir. I thank you that because of this relationship, there is no need for fear or worry. I know You hold my life in Your hands and that no matter what I walk through, I can trust You and that You are with me (Psalm 23). Lord, I ask You to forgive me for those times when I did not trust You but instead took the path of an orphan. If there are still areas in my heart needing a revelation of Your love for me, fill me now that I may genuinely walk as a child of God. I love you, Lord, and pray all these things in the Name of Your Son, Jesus.

Friday, 28 February 2025 

Topic: IDENTITY–I am Filled and Empowered

Scripture: Colossians 1:27-29 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end, I also labor, striving according to His work, which works in me mightily.

Discussion: Three days after I was miraculously saved, I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Unlike a large part of the body of Christ, who received baptism during a meeting by the laying of hands, I was alone in my house on the floor, worshipping God. The atmosphere was thick with what I know now as His Glory, and I remember my face buried in the carpet. What happened next was vivid; the Lord took me into a vision of His presence and, with what I can only describe as His voice, called me to go and teach the gospel. That was in August of 1993. Today, that call is still on my life. 

Our devotional scripture today is powerful. God willed to make known to the saints (you and me) the riches and glory of this mystery to the world (Gentiles). That mystery is Christ in us, THE HOPE OF GLORY! How is this “identity,” you ask? We are called to be men full of His Spirit, empowered to love and do the work of the kingdom. To teach and walk in wisdom. All of these traits should be apparent in our lives. We are walking evidence of the hope of God’s glory to the world. If this knowledge is intimidating, let me present you with a challenge. First, understand that we are men saved by Grace into an eternal inheritance. Secondly, understand that God sent His Son to cleanse us from worldly influence. Thirdly, God wants to empower each of us with the Holy Spirit so that we can share and demonstrate the love of Jesus to the world. Are you ready to allow yourself to step into this calling and be the hope of glory to a world that so desperately needs Him?

Prayer:  Lord, I come to you today understanding that I have been reluctant to accept the call upon my life. The unsaved world must know why we act and do things we do as Jesus works through us. I repent today for all the reasons preventing me from teaching and preaching the gospel and demonstrating God's power through the release of the gifts given to me. Lord, I ask that you fill me with your Spirit today so I may demonstrate the hope of glory in me to the world.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Topic: IDENTITY–I am a Warrior

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Discussion: Through our salvation, we are all called to be warriors engaged in battle to see the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth. Too often, we witness men who could easily make war in the natural but are passive or apathetic about the spiritual war God called them to fight. Fully understanding who we are in Christ involves not only being a son and an heir but also encompasses the battle He calls us into. You cannot read the words of Jesus without understanding that following Him involves warfare. If the world and the adversary persecuted and crucified Jesus, they will do everything in their power to inhibit His ongoing work on the earth. Jesus said something radical in Matthew 11:12, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Was Jesus referring to physical force? Absolutely not. He was referring to a battle waged in the spiritual realm that would influence the hearts of mankind. The questions you need to ask yourself today are… Am I a warrior for the kingdom? Am I obeying Jesus and engaging in the battles He directs? Am I praying and proclaiming to influence the people He brings into my life?  

My guess for most of us is “no” or not as much as I should.  So, how do we engage? Our scripture for today sums it up perfectly. Paul tells us our battles are fought in the spiritual realm and through the proclamation of His truth. We are to pull down strongholds, cast down arguments, and everything exalting itself against the knowledge of God. Are we praying for what God is opening our eyes to see? Are we actively praying for our families, our church, and our nation? If not, let’s take action to step into the warrior role of our identity.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for saving me and calling me to be part of Your Great Commission. I know You didn’t save me to be an observer, but You saved me and called me into the very warfare You experienced. Lord, I need You for this calling. My wisdom and weapons cannot engage the adversary in battle. I ask, Holy Spirit, that you fill me with courage,  wisdom, strength, and power so I may engage in the battles set before me. 


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Topic: IDENTITY–I am a Worshipper

Scripture: John 4:23-24 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Discussion: The other night, my wife and I were out for a much-needed date night when we rode through our old neighborhood. My wife noticed the old post office was gone. She recalled what it was like having to use that post office back when I was deployed before she discovered the post offices on base. You see, my wife and I have five children, and at one point, she was responsible for managing five precious lives, all under the age of 10, while I was deployed for months at a time.  

As she explained the logistical miracle that had to be carefully orchestrated each time she sent a Care Package, my love and appreciation for her grew even more profound. I had never considered all that had to take place to ensure I felt loved while away from home… the shopping for the items that I had requested, then making time in between helping with homework and making dinner to package everything. Remembering to add every drawing or smiley-faced homework assignment the kids wanted to share, then finally getting a moment to add a handwritten note herself. Genuinely understanding the process and effort behind an action can lead to a greater appreciation for it. As I listened to her share her experiences, my love for her grew even more. 

When we appreciate all that God has done for us, we draw closer to Him. In this week's lesson, you were challenged to create a personal time to worship the Lord. Corporate praise and worship are great, but we will only grow in our appreciation and love for Christ when we take the time to go beyond the surface of cultural Christianity and develop an intimate personal relationship with Christ. 

 Prayer: Lord, help us seek your face and presence in all we do. Draw us closer into your presence and your spirit daily. Please help us to appreciate you and spend time reading and studying Your Word. You are an awesome God; we desire to be more like You daily. 

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Topic: IDENTITY–I am Crucified with Christ

Scripture: Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved and gave himself for me." 

Discussion: Crucifixion is one of the worst ways to die. The Bible depicts Jesus’ death, but somehow, most can’t fully grasp the amount of agony He experienced so we could live. Much of Paul’s writings to the church focus on the death of Jesus, and for good reason. In this scripture, Paul personally identifies with the death of Jesus in stating that he (Paul) no longer lives because Christ has occupied his life. What he’s telling the reader is that he has entirely given over his life to whatever the Son of God would desire. He has chosen to lay down his life for Jesus.

What about you? Have you decided and begun living your life so that you can say that you no longer live, but Christ lives in you? To some degree, we can all say that we have died to ourselves in certain parts of our lives. But what parts are we holding back? What things have we deemed more important than Him and His calling? Take a few moments and reflect on how you may have said “no” to Him. This question requires soul searching, but obedience to Him yields great rewards.

Prayer: Lord, today I come to repent and ask You to reveal. I come to repent for the things in my life that are not pleasing to You, things that I have not laid at the foot of Your cross. Forgive me, Lord, for recognizing You as my Savior but not reciprocating by giving You my entire life. Today, I declare that my life is Yours, that I no longer live, but that You live fully in me. Thank you for Your love and patience, Jesus. Open my ears to hear, my eyes to see, and prepare my heart to go. I am Yours, Lord.